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An often-overlooked feature of Ivanti Service Manager is the Escalations Schedules that can be setup to remind your team that an action needs to take place. Similar to SLA’s, Escalations run in the background and keep a clock set to various parameters within the system. Incident is typically the first place where we will direct our customers to when implementing Service Manager. There are 2 prominent Escalation Schedules out of the box with Incident.

Response Escalation: This Escalation measures the response to an Incident. It’s governed by the Status field. Out of the box, it creates a clock when the Incident is created, and the Status is equal to “Logged”. “Logged” typically means the Incident has been assigned to a Team, but no one has taken ownership of the Incident. Once someone has taken Ownership that clock stops, and the requirements have been fulfilled.

Resolution Escalation: The purpose of the Escalation is to measure the length of time it takes to Resolve and Incident. This clock starts when the Incident is created and it complete when the Incident is set to “Resolved”.

What makes the Escalation Schedules so valuable is the ability to send gentle reminds via email to the Team or Managers that an action needs to be completed on a given record. Whether that action is to Respond or Resolve. This way the Team or Owner know how much time they have before the Breach the Escalation. The reminders will go out up to the time the Incident is either responded to, Resolved, or Breached. Emails are not the only action that can happen during the Escalation process. You have the ability to call on any quickaction created within the same object to perform that action. Such as, changed the Status, add a Note, fire off a Workflow to name a few.

These are just some of the examples where Escalation Schedules are useful. Stayed tuned for more tips and tricks from Dataseti! If you like what you see, give us a shout at!